10 Best Vitamin D Rich Foods to protect against COVID-19
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Vitamin D is a Fat-soluble Vitamin also called the sunshine vitamin. Most vital vitamin for your body. in this article we will study about 10 Best Vitamin D Rich Foods to protect against COVID-19. It helps to absorb calcium which is required for bones.
It maintains serum magnesium and phosphate concentrations which is necessary for teeth and muscles. Vitamin D is also important for brain development, boosting immunity, and for heart health. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause muscle pain, fatigue, weak bones, etc. In this article we will study about Vitamin D Rich Foods.
How can I increase my vitamin D level? What are the vitamin D rich foods?
Vitamin D is not easily available as other Vitamins. This Vitamin can be produced when our body exposed to sunlight. This is the most reliable way to produce Vitamin D. The most abundant sources of this essential nutrient are different kinds of fish and fish oil. Furthermore, it is combined with some food products, such as grains and dairy products.
If you are having a normal diet and feel that your diet is not providing a sufficient amount of Vitamin D then you can consult a physician for supplements. Also consider this that having high doses of Vitamin D can have negative health effects.
Are there any vitamin D fruits?
As there is no Vitamin D rich fruit. Generally, there aren’t many vitamin D fruits that naturally contain this vitamin. The unique fruit product that you can have to enhance the concentration of this essential nutrient is fortified orange juice.
Vitamin D is not easily available from your normal diet. As it is mostly found in animal products. So, it is difficult for vegetarians to get enough amount of Vitamin D in your diet.
Some sources of Vitamin D that can help you to boost your health are as follows:
Following are the top 10 Best Vitamin D Rich Foods:
- Vitamin D in Sunlight or Sunbath:
Having sunbath in the morning can help you to produce Vitamin D in Sunlight with exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. This is the best way to fulfill your vitamin D deficiency. As per the National Institute of Health (NIH), having sunbath for 5-30 minutes twice a week without sunscreen is sufficient to get vitamin D.
Note: This exposure is completely depending on the climatic and geographic conditions.
Other factors such as season, pollution, skin color, etc also responsible for affecting the production of vitamin D.
However, individuals with dark skin usually require more than 30 minutes to produce sufficient vitamin D.
But it is advisable by the American Academy of Dermatology, not to rely on the sun on as the main source of vitamin D. As excess exposure to the sun can develop skin cancer.

- Vitamin D in mushrooms:
Mushroom is an oily edible plant and a rich source of vitamin D. Exposure of mushroom to UV rays produces Vitamin D.
So, consuming wild mushrooms and those artificially exposed to UV light can provide anywhere between 154 and 1,136 IU (3.8 and 28 mcg) of vitamin D per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving.
Not only this as exposure of mushroom to UV rays also increases the duration of their shelf life. And also increases the level of vitamin D in your body.
Some mushrooms are not exposed to UV rays and grown in the dark which reflects that it contains very little Vitamin D.
Note: all wild mushrooms are not beneficial as some might cause mild digestion to organ failure and even death.
- Vitamin D in Egg yolks:
The yellow part inside the egg called egg yolks. It provides vitamin D which is completely depending on the chicken’s diet.
Eggs sourced from chickens: Contains 6,000 IU (150mcg) per yolk
Eggs from chickens: With conventional feed contain only 18–39 IU (0.4–1 mcg)
Whereas Chickens exposed to sunlight lays eggs that contain 3-4 times more vitamin D. This type of chicken is usually found in villages as they are allowed to roam here and there.
- Cheese:
Milk and dairy product cheese which is favorite of all. It is a natural source of vitamin D, albeit in very small amounts.
It contains 8–24 IU (0.2–0.6 mcg) of vitamin D per 2-ounce (50-gram) serving.
It might vary depending on the way it is manufactured.
Eg: Monterey, Cheddar, and Fontina have more Vitamin D as compared to mozzarella.
Whereas Cottage, ricotta, or cream cheeses contains zero amount of vitamin D.
- Fortified foods:
Fortified foods are those in which extra nutrients are added which are not there. Some foods contain vitamin D in small amounts. These nutrients are used to fortified those products. This process varies concerning different countries, a few of these foods include:
- Vitamin D in milk: 1 cup is equal to 240 ml of milk. It must contain up to 120 IU (3mcg) of Vitamin D.
- Non-dairy products: Soya, rice, oats. Almond milk, hemp, orange juice also contains the same amount of Vitamin D as Cows milk
- Yogurt: Yogurt contains 52 IU (1.3 mcg) of this vitamin per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).
- Tofu: All are not fortified, but those that are offered around 100 IU (2.5 mcg) per 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
- Cereals: Cereals that are easily available in the market for ready to eat are usually enriched with vitamin D.
1/2 cup (120 grams) provides up to 120 IU (3 mcg), depending on the type
- Cod Liver Oil:
One of the best sources of Vitamin D. Having 1 tablespoon of this oil can provide 340% of your daily value (DV) of vitamin D. Concerning this it is also a good source of Vitamin A.
- Swordfish:
Swordfish is also a good source of Vitamin D the same as multiple types of fish. Having 3 ounces of swordfish can provide you 142% of the recommended value of the vitamin. It is also a good source of vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium.
- Sockeye Salmon:
Salmon is also the type of fish that is a good source of vitamin D. A 3 ounce of cooked salmon gives you 112% of your DV of this vitamin.
It is also a good source of vitamin B12, niacin, thiamin, omega-3 fatty acids, loaded with numerous minerals, including selenium and phosphorus.
- Tuna Fish:
Another type of old fish called Tuna fish is also high in vitamin D. In 3 ounces of canned tuna, you will get 39% of your daily needs of this vitamin. This fish is rich in Vitamin B, niacin, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, minerals. it also contains selenium, phosphorus, and potassium.
- Whitefish:
Whitefish is a source of vitamin D. A 3 ounce serving of this fish provides you with 51% of your DV of this vitamin. Moreover, it is rich in niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, minerals as well since it contains phosphorus, selenium, and potassium.
Vitamin D Side Effects :
Having an excess amount of vitamin D can cause side effects on your health and may even be dangerous.
The symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include
-weight loss
-heart arrhythmias.
It May damage the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys as it can increase calcium levels in the blood.
These supplements can lead to negative effects. Having high doses can lead to toxicity. vitamin D toxicity is not caused by excessive sun exposure. That’s why, if you need dietary supplements, you should stick to the vitamin D dosage prescribed by your physician.
One of the essential vitamins for health is Vitamin D. Contributes to the bone’s health and teeth. Also helps to boost the immune system.
Luckily, our body can produce this vitamin when our skin is exposed to sunlight. However, many people need to take supplements as their diet doesn’t provide them with enough amount of vitamin D or their exposure to sunlight is inadequate.
Also, too much vitamin D can be harmful to our health, so never take dietary supplements without discussing with your doctor.