How walking burn calories to lose weight? And its Health Benefits.
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Do you know? walking on a daily basis provides numerous health benefits at any age. Walking burn calories when done on a regular basis, Just what you have to do is to wear your walking shoes and start walking on a regular basis.
You can implement walking in your daily routine by practicing it on a regular basis. Walking is the most lighter exercise that an individual can do at any age. Walking is the best exercise that can help you to lose weight.
Walking burn calories and lose fat and boost metabolisms. Helps indigestion. Also helpful in making your legs tone.
Physical exercise in any form whether it is walking, running, swimming, skipping, dancing, etc is beneficial.
What is brisk walking? Know how walking burn calories?
There are multiple exercises for burning fat. Out of which few are high intensity while others are a low-intensity workout. Most tested and recommended the easiest form of exercise is brisk walking.
Walking at a faster rate continuously which will cause your body to warm and makes your heart beat faster. Also increases the sweat from your body and leads to cut down fat.
What happens to your body if you walk every day?
The Great Greek physician hypocrites once said walking is a man’s best medicine. Well, this hit a nail on head As walking is a free, totally easy, and requires a little effort. It not only provide physical benefits but also mental benefits.
Calories Burned Walking
Know how many calories you burn while walking, with respect to your weight and speed:
SPEED -2.0 mph | SPEED -2.5 mph | SPEED -3.0 mph | SPEED -3.5 mph | SPEED -4.0 mph | |
WEIGHT -130 lbs | 148 | 177 | 195 | 224 | 295 |
WEIGHT -155 lbs | 176 | 211 | 232 | 267 | 352 |
WEIGHT -180 lbs | 204 | 245 | 270 | 311 | 409 |
WEIGHT -205 lbs | 233 | 279 | 307 | 354 | 465 |

Calories burned through Walking uphill is more as compared to Walking on flat surfaces.
SPEED -3.5 mph – Flat Surface | SPEED -3.5 mph – uphill | |
WEIGHT -130 lbs | 224 | 354 |
WEIGHT -155 lbs | 267 | 422 |
WEIGHT -180 lbs | 311 | 490 |
WEIGHT -205 lbs | 354 | 558 |

Walking has many Health Benefits such as :
- Improves Blood Circulation:
Any type of exercise such as walking, running, swimming, etc which increase your heart rate than normal is beneficial to increase the blood flow.
This lowers blood pressure in the body and leads to muscles contraction in the legs. While contraction and relaxation of muscles it increases the blood flow in the veins. In fact, taking a bath in warm water also opens arteries and veins and makes your blood flow.
- Walking Burn Calories:
The number of calories you burn depends on weight, speed, and the distance you walk. You can check your calories burn in a walking calorie calculator. And know how walking burn calories.
- Lower blood sugar:
walking makes your heart a bit faster than normal which increases blood flow in your body. Due to Muscles contraction blood circulations improves. Muscles use glucose and sugar in your blood. This leads to lower your blood sugar and makes insulin work better.
Individuals Walking for at least 20 minutes for 5 days a week have more immunity as compared to those who walk once a week or so less exercise.
This boosts your immune system and protects you from infections and germs.
- Improve mood:
Endorphins released when we exercise. Brisk Walking can release these chemical endorphins and freshens your mood and makes you feel good. Adults who suffer from depression must make walking as a routine.
- Strengthen the heart:
Regular physical exercise in any form makes your heart stronger the same as your muscles. Walking helps in reducing cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure, obesity, inflammation, etc. If all these factors come into consideration and control properly our heart becomes stronger.
- Protects joints:
Walking increases blood flow which results in proper circulation. Blood flow to cartilage provides all the nutrients which require to protect the bones in your joints. Also, any type of movement lubricates your joints which helps to decrease the pains and stiffness.
- Tone your legs:
Walking on a regular basis for 30-40 min helps to tone your thigh muscles, firm up your butt and lower the fat on your waist.
- Improve Eyesight:
Isn’t it is surprising!! Moving your legs helps your eyes. Walking reduces eye pressure and releases glaucoma. As glaucoma develops too much fluid builds up in your eye increasing the pressure in your eye.
That pressure affects the eye nerves which results in optic imbalance. Glaucoma research foundation recommends walking as one of the best exercises to reduce the risk of reducing glaucoma and even relieve its symptoms.
- Helps in digestion and cut down fat:
Walking for 30 minutes a day can help you with proper bowel movement.
An increase in fat is dangerous to your health. Cutting down fat by walking can actually help you boost your metabolism and heart rate.
If you want to lose belly fat then you have to walk faster so that your heart beat faster which will cause you to breathe harder. The only way to lose belly fat is by burning more calories than you consume.
Conclusion :
walking daily provides various health benefits at any age. Walking burn calories and lose fat and boost metabolisms also help in digestion and helpful in making your legs tone.
Walking is the most lighter exercise that an individual can do at any age it not only provide physical benefits but also mental benefits.
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