Because the keto diet cuts out several food options, it’s a good idea to supplement with specific nutrients.
Supplements are necessary to avoid symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, headache, constipation, and enhance athletic performance when training on a low carb diet.
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Keto supplements are as follows:
MCT’s oil :
No keto diet would be complete without taking MCT oil. MCT oil is a concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides is one of the most popular supplements which ups your fat intake, increases ketone levels, and helps you to stay in ketosis plus it also beneficial in weight loss and increase the feeling of fullness.
One of the richest natural sources of MCTs is Coconut oil. It is broken down quickly by your liver to fuel your brain and muscles. Taking MCT oil may help you to reduce fatigue or muscle soreness.
Because MCTs are a type of fat that can be used for producing ketones, suppressing your appetite, keeping your energy up, and even improving your endurance and physical performance.
MCT oil can be easily added to shakes and smoothies or simply taken by swallowing a tablespoon of it for a quick fat boost.
Keto supplements Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid. They are present in a high amount of fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.
Fish and krill oil are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid which contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA have been found to decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and limit mental decline.
One study found that people following the ketogenic diet, who supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids experienced a greater decrease in triglyceride insulin and inflammatory markers which can reduce heart disease.
Omega-3 supplements vary in their dosage according to their source. Some of the great source of omega-3 which includes salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, oyster, and cod liver oil.
Your body needs magnesium to function properly. Magnesium involves energy production, regulates blood sugar, supports the immune system, reduces muscle cramps, helps sleeping, maintenance of bone and muscle health, and much more.
when you are on a ketogenic diet because you have a low level of insulin your kidneys discharge water what that means you’re losing electrolytes and minerals along with it for that your body requires magnesium.
There are few keto-friendly foods such as spinach, avocado, Swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, mackerel, and some other nuts which are high in magnesium.
If you are not getting enough amount of magnesium from foods then you may need to add a supplement. However, magnesium supplements may interfere with certain medications such as antibiotics, diuretics, and oral bisphosphonates so it’s best to consult your doctor before taking them.
Magnesium supplements are available in different forms like magnesium glycinate, magnesium gluconate, magnesium citrate that our body can absorb easily. You can get a supplement that contains all of these forms or can supplement individually. However, a doctor may recommend a specific form of magnesium according to your body’s requirement.
The daily recommendation of magnesium supplements is around 200-400 mg per day. The most common side effect of taking magnesium include nausea, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea these are the sign your body may not be absorbing magnesium if this happens you need to start with the lowest dose that is 100-200 mg per day or split your dose in half take one half in the morning and another half at night if you are still facing the same problem then move on to a different type of magnesium.
Your body contains both good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are usually called good bacteria because they support to keep your gut healthy. You can get probiotics from supplements or foods like yogurts.
Using a good quality probiotic supplement helps to improve your gut microflora and support digestive and immune health.
Probiotic supplements are also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, infectious diarrhea caused by viruses or diarrhea caused by antibiotics.
While buying a probiotic look for strains like Bacillus coagulant, Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bacillus clausii and other cultures. purchase a formula that contains both prebiotics and other ingredients designed to support digestion and immunity. find a supplement that is kept cold to preserve its potency or a shelf-stable product that contains soil-based organisms.
Ask your doctor if taking probiotics is good for you. Probiotic supplements or food are generally safe for most people But it might cause problems in some cases.

Keto supplements Vitamin D3. A human body produces vitamin D as a response to sun exposure. Taking vitamin D3 supplement is very essential because many of us are not getting enough skin exposure to the sun. The best way to take vitamin d3 is with vitamin k2 for better absorption of calcium.
Taking vitamin d3 has many health benefits such as-
-Vitamin d3 supports the health of the immune system, brain cells, and nervous system.
-It helps to regulate insulin levels and aid diabetes management.
-Supports lung function and cardiovascular health.
-It helps in suppressing the expression of genes involved in cancer development.
-Maintain the health of bones and teeth.
-You can also get vitamin D naturally from food.
Few foods contain vitamin d naturally which includes salmon, sardines, egg yolks, shrimp, milk(fortified), yogurt(fortified), and orange juice (fortified).
Exogenous ketones are ketones supplied through an external source that provides you with an instant source of ketones usually in form of beta-hydroxybutyrate which acts as additional support to get into ketosis faster.
There are lots of benefits taking exogenous ketones such as-
-Helps to jump-start the process which means helps you reach ketosis quicker
-Boost athletic performance
-Boost brain performance
-Speed muscle recovery
-Decrease appetite
-Reduces symptoms of keto flu
Ketone powder or salt can be used as a pre-workout between meals or while you are fasting to keep you on track.
Keto diet is very high in fat your body may not be able to process that initially and you may experience gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and bloating.
If your previous diet didn’t consist much fat then you need to take digestive enzymes which helps you to properly digest fats.
Always choose a product that has a digestive enzyme blend that contains enzymes that break down fats (lipases), bile salts, and proteins (proteases) that may help optimize digestion.
Organic collagen peptides contain no carbs and 18 grams of protein in a single serving. Collagen has been shown to promote bone, muscle, and joint recovery and improves gut health.
There are many different types of amino acids but the type found in collagen is most abundant in your body. As your body uses amino acid to build muscle, bone, cartilage, skin, hair, and connective tissue.
Collagen is the most abundant type of protein found in your body helping to form connective tissue, repair wound, and holding the body together like glue. Even helpful for your skin hair and nails.
While you are on a ketogenic diet because you have a low level of insulin your kidneys discharge water what means you’re losing electrolyte and minerals along with it which not only include magnesium but also potassium, chloride, phosphorous, and sodium.
When your on ketogenic or low carb your body starts to lose water that’s because carbs hold water.
Taking an electrolyte supplement can help rebalance the levels of these minerals.
Or You can get the three main electrolytes by taking magnesium supplement daily,
adding some extra salt to the diet or consuming some chicken broth daily,
and by eating potassium-rich keto-friendly food such as avocado or cooked spinach.
Keto supplements for weight loss Ashwagandha provides many health benefits for your body and brain. Ashwagandha can help to control your stress hormone cortisol and protect against some of the negative effects that stress can have on hormones, weight, sleep, and mental health.
Start by talking about 300 to 500 milligrams of ashwagandha once or twice per day, and then slowly increase your dosage.
consult your doctor before taking the above supplements.